Growth of high quality AlGaAs by metalorganic molecular beam epitaxy using trimethylamine alane

AlGaAs grown by metalorganic molecular beam epitaxy (MOMBE) has been problematic due to oxygen and carbon contamination, particularly when triethylaluminum (TEAl) has been used as the aluminum source. Consequently, we have investigated trimethylamine alane (TMAAl) as a potential replacement for the conventional metalorganic Al sources. AlGaAs films with excellent structural and optical properties have been grown with this source. Photoluminescence intensities from AlGaAs grown by MOMBE at 500 °C using TMAAl are comparable to those from material grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition at 675 °C using triethylaluminum (TMAl). Carbon and oxygen levels in MOMBE‐grown AlGaAs are drastically reduced in comparison to similar films grown with TEAl.