Studies on Peroxidative Hemolysis and Erythrocyte Fatty Acids in the Rabbit: Effect of Dietary PUFA and Vitamin E

Clinical signs of vitamin E deficiency were not manifested in the rabbit prior to the onset of dietary PUFA supplementation. PUFA consumption by vitamin E-deficient rabbits tended to promote peroxidative hemolysis by dialuric acid, as well as osmotic fragility when determined in the presence of either hydrogen peroxide or the peroxide-generating system of glucose oxidase and glucose in a continuous salt gradient. Analysis of erythrocyte fatty acids by GLC demonstrated incorporation of the administered PUFA. Peroxidation of RBC PUFA was observed in vitro but not in vivo. Fatty acids of RBC phospholipids were also analyzed for alterations under the experimental conditions. Possible mechanisms of the participation of vitamin E in lipid metabolism and membrane stabilization are discussed.