Template Properties of Complementary Fractions of Denatured Microbial Deoxyribonucleic Acids

DNA preparations from seven bacterial species and from E. coli phage T4, and also the complementary L and H fractions into which these DNA specimens, after denaturation, were separated by chromatography on methylated albumin-kieselguhr columns, were studied as templates in the RNA polymerase system, and the nucleotide composition of the RNA products was determined. The RNA transcripts of the separated L and H fractions were found to be faithful copies of the respective DNA fractions. This suggests "transcription analysis" as a sensitive and reliable analytical technique for the determination of the base composition of denatured DNA. The L and H fractions of T4 DNA were shown, both by temperature-absorbance profiles and by transcription analysis, to be mutually complementary. The RNA products formed with intact DNA as the template were not exact copies of the latter; their composition indicated that under our experimental conditions the "heavy" DNA strand is transcribed preferentially.