A study of glutamine synthetase in normal human brain and intracranial tumours

Glutamine synthetase (GS) activity was measured in selected areas of three normal brains and in 262 biopsies from patients with suspected intracranial tumours. In general, levels were higher in grey matter than in white matter and the highest activities of all were found in the hypothalamus which is consistent with its high glutamatergic activity. In the biopsy material, GS activity was greatest in gliotic brain, in keeping with the predominantly astrocytic localization of the enzyme. High levels were also found in astrocytomas and oligodendrogliomas but there was considerable variation between tumours, suggesting a random loss of GS expression during neoplastic transformation of heterogeneity in their cellular origin. The immunocytochemical demonstration of GS in neoplastic oligodendrocytes and in meningioma cells argues against absolute cell-type specificity for this enzyme.