Influence of carrier lifetime on performance of silicon p-i-n variable optical attenuators fabricated on submicrometer rib waveguides

We investigated influence of carrier lifetime on performance of silicon (Si) p-i-n variable optical attenuators (VOAs) on submicrometer Si rib waveguides. VOAs were fabricated with and without intentional implantation of lattice defects into their intrinsic region. Carrier lifetime was measured by pulse responses for normal incidence of picosecond laser pulse of 775 nm to the VOA, as ~1 ns and ~7 ns for the VOAs with and without defects, respectively. Carrier lifetime is determined by the sum of surface recombination and Auger recombination for VOAs without defects, while Schockley-Read-Hall recombination is dominant for the VOA with defects. As a result, attenuation efficiency (dB/mA) is 0.2 - 0.7 and 0.04 - 0.1, while 3-dB bandwidth is 40 - 100 MHz and over 200 MHz for the VOAs with and without defects, respectively. There is a trade-off relation between attenuation and response speed of the VOAs with respect to carrier lifetime i.e., attenuation efficiency is linearly proportional to the carrier lifetime, whereas response speed is inversely proportional to it.