High-Quality InSb Growth on GaAs and Si by Low-Pressure Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition

We report the first InSb film growth on Si by low-pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. High-quality layers of InSb have been grown on Si and GaAs substrates. InSb films displayed mirror-like morphology on both substrates. X-ray full width at half maximum of 171 arcsec on GaAs and 361 arcsec on Si for a InSb layer thickness of 3.1 μm were measured. Room-temperature Hall mobilities of 67,000 and 48,000 cm2/V.s with carrier concentration of 1.5×1016 and 2.3×1016 cm−3 have been achieved for InSb films grown on GaAs and Si substrates, respectively. A 4.8 μ-thick InSb film on GaAs exhibited mobility of 76,200 cm2/Vs at 240 K.