Iron- and manganese-containing superoxide dismutases from Methylomonas J: identity of the protein moiety and amino acid sequence

Mn-superoxide dismutase (SOD) and Fe-SOD were isolated from Methylomonas J, an aerobic methylotrophic bacterium, grown in methylamine media containing either manganese (Mn-rich medium) or iron (Fe-rich medium), respectively. The specific activity of the Mn-SOD was 2250 units mg-1 (mol of Mn)-1 (mol of dimer)-1, and the metal content of the enzyme was 0.98 mol of Mn and 0.12 mol of Fe per mole of dimer, while those of Fe-SOD were 88.5 units mg-1 (mol of Fe)-1 (mol of dimer)-1 and 1.04 mol of Fe and 0.02 mol of Mn. The electrophoretic mobilities in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate, with or without urea, and the chromatographic behavior on an HPLC column using an octadodecyl silicated column and a gel permeation column were identical. Amino acid compositions were practically indistinguishable in both SODs. The enzyme activity was restored by dialysis of an apoprotein obtained from the Mn-enzyme with either manganese sulfate or ferrous ammonium sulfate up to an activity level similar to that for the native Mn-SOD and the native Fe-SOD, respectively. The same result has been reported with the reconstitution using an apoprotein obtained from the Fe-enzyme [Yamakura, F., Matsumoto, T., & Terauchi, K. (1990) Free Radical Res. Commun. (in press)]. These results suggest the possibility that both types of SODs are composed of a single apoprotein synthesized in cells grown in either the Fe-rich medium or the Mn-rich medium.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)