Strontium Ion Selective Electrode Based on a Conducting Poly(Dibenzo-18-Crown-6) Film

The potential response behaviour of a strontium doped poly(dibenzo-18-crown-6) film electrode to strontium ions in solution has been examined. The effect of polymerization conditions on the characteristics of the response is discussed. The performance of the electrode with respect to electrode reproducibility, response stability and regeneration is also studied. The calibration plots for electrode have an unexpected slope of 58–59 mv per strontium(II) concentration decade at 25[ddot]C and a detection limit of about 2.9 × 10−5 M. The selectivity coefficients for this polymeric electrode for most of the potential interferants are in the order of 10−3. This polymeric film electrode has a relatively fast response, is easy to prepare and has a reasonable lifetime.