The myzaphidines in Canada consist of three genera and seven species of which two are described as new. Myzaphis v. d. G. is recorded from North America apparently for the first time and one endemic species is described. Keys and brief descriptions of the genera and viviparous forms are offered. Pentatrichopus Borner, which includes the economically important pests of strawberries is considered a synonym of Chaetosiphon Mord. Chaetosiphon is retained as a genus only because of its association with Rosa spp., Potentilla spp., and Fragaria spp. The presence of five setae on the basal tarsal segments, which was the only means by which the myzaphidines could be distinguished from other capitophorine aphids, is no longer valid. C. fragaefolii, which has been considered to be a complex of two species, is treated as a single species. The conspicuous variation in the arrangement of dorsal abdominal setae and in the tarsal setae is readily explained by neotenic development which probably only indirectly affects the development of the setae.