Systems Approach to Weed Management in Irrigated Crops

The impact of four weed management systems on weed seed reserves in soil, yearly weed problem, and production of barley, corn, pinto bean, and sugarbeet was assessed where these crops were grown in rotation for 4 consecutive years in four cropping sequences. Weeds were controlled in each crop with only conventional tillage or conventional tillage plus minimum, moderate (system 1), and intensive (system 2) levels of herbicides. Seed of annual weeds from 11 genera were identified, with barnyardgrass and redroot pigweed comprising 66 and 19%, respectively, of the initial 90 million weed seed/ha present in the upper 25 cm of the soil profile. After the fourth cropping year, overall decline in total number of weed seed in soil was 53% when averaged over four cropping sequences and four weed management systems. Over the 4-yr period, about 10 times more weeds escaped control in system 1 than in system 2; and within a crop, the fewest number of weeds escaped control annually in barley. System 2 had the highest herbicide use in each cropping sequence, the fewest weeds at harvest, and the smallest adjusted gross return over the 4-yr period in three of four cropping sequences.