The macroscopic governing equations controlling the coupled electromagnetics and acoustics of porous media are derived here from first principles. The porous material is assumed to consist of a packing of solid grains that is saturated by an electrolyte. A sedimentary rock is an example of such a material. The approach is to volume average the equations known to apply in the fluid and solid phases while allowing for the boundary conditions that exist on the fluid-solid interface. The coupling is due to a layer of excess charge adsorbed to the sufaces of the solid grains that is balanced by mobile ions in the fluid electrolyte; i.e., the coupling is electrokinetic in nature. The derived equations have the form of Maxwell’s equations coupled to Biot’s equations with coupling occurring in the flux-force (or transport) relations. The frequency-dependent macroscopic-transport coefficients are explicitly obtained and related to each other. Onsager reciprocity is derived and is not simply postulated.