It is shown that to every Galilei‐covariant nonrelativistic stochastic phase space representation of a system of massive particles, whose generator is rotationally invariant, corresponds a Poincaré‐covariant relativistic representation sharing the same generator. The stochastic phase space probability densities of the two representations overlap in the limit of nonrelativistic velocities in the laboratory frame. The relativistic representations give rise to covariant and conserved probability currents at stochastic space–time points, in complete analogy with their nonrelativistic counterparts. This parallelism extends to the existence of a global representation of the proper Poincaré group in L2(Γ), which is reduced by each subspace of L2(Γ) spanned by the set of phase‐space wavefunctions generated by some stochastic phase space representation of all pure states of the system.