Precision micromachining with pulsed green lasers

We have developed high-precision machining based on high-power pulsed green lasers (30–40 ns pulse width) at multi-kHz repetition rate. Dynamics of material removal has been investigated using a copper vapor laser. We found that noticeable surface evaporation starts to appear as laser intensity exceeds 107 W/cm2. Material removal is then dominated by ablation at higher laser intensities. However, strong plasma absorption starts to appear as laser intensity exceeds 2 GW/cm2. This prolongs material heating by hot plasma via electron conduction, resulting in noticeable melt formation and expulsion. Maintaining laser radiance below the plasma-ignition threshold minimizes this melt formation. The optimum rate of ablation on metals was found to be ∼1 μm/pulse with a laser fluence of 50 J/cm2. Higher material removal rate can be achieved at higher fluence, but is mostly accompanied with unwanted melt formation and ejection. By keeping laser intensity within a few GW/cm2, we have demonstrated high-aspect-ratio machining with micron-scale accuracy and negligible heat affected zone. High-quality percussion drilling, trepanning, grooving, and slotting were demonstrated on metals and ceramics with a negligible heat affected zone. Straight holes with sizes varying from 500 to less than 25 μm were consistently drilled with a height-to-diameter ratio up to 40. The high quality machining with scalable machining speed promises expanded use of pulsed green lasers in micromachining.