Fluorescence redistribution after photobleaching (FRAP) was used to examine the role of actin and myosin in the transport of dextrans through the nuclear pore complex. Anti-actin antibodies added to isolated rat liver nuclei significantly reduced the flux rate of fluorescently labeled 64-kD dextrans. The addition of 3 mM ATP to nuclei, which enhances the flux rate in control nuclei by approximately 250%, had no enhancement effect in the presence of either anti-actin or anti-myosin antibody. Phalloidin (10 microM) and cytochalasin D (1 micrograms/ml) individually inhibited the ATP stimulation of transport. Rabbit serum, anti-fibronectin, and anti-lamins A and C antibodies had no effect on transport. These results suggest a model for nuclear transport in which actin/myosin are involved in an ATP-dependent process that alters the effective transport rate across the nuclear pore complex.