Evaluation of Gas Chromatography/Matrix Isolation-Infrared Spectroscopy for the Quantitative Analysis of Environmental Samples

Gas chromatography/matrix isolation-infrared spectrometry (GC/MI-IR) is being applied to many analyses previously done only by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Qualitatively, the infrared spectra of matrix-isolated compounds contain much information about their structure. The information obtained from the infrared spectrum is complementary to the information obtained from mass spectrometry. The technique of GC/MI-IR should also be useful as a quantitative detector. In this study, semivolatile priority pollutant mixtures were analyzed quantitatively by GC/MI-IR. Results were compared with results obtained by GC/MS. Calibration curves were obtained on the GC/MI-IR for several semivolatile priority pollutants to measure the precision and linearity of this technique. The results indicated that GC/MI-IR, in its current form, is only suitable for semiquantitative work.