Prognosis of Proliferative Retinopathy in Juvenile Diabetics

Fifty-one mostly juvenile-onset diabetic patients with proUferative retinopathy without persistent proteinuria were observed for 2 to 18 yr. (average 6 yr.) after proUferative retinopathy had been detected. At the end of 5 yr. 10% had died, and about 50% had become blind in both eyes (visual acuity 6/60 or less). Patients with localized, peripheral proliferations had better visual prognosis than patients with pre- or peripapillary proliferations. Hypercholesterolemia appeared to be a poor prognostic sign. It would appear on the basis of reported experience and the present investigation that a surgical procedure on the pituitary gland is a justified therapeutic attempt in juvenile diabetes with retinopathy consisting of either pre- or peripapillary or of widespread proliferations, provided that the patients have not already developed persistent proteinuria.