Application of gas-liquid chromatography to the routine identification of nonfermenting gram-negative bacteria in clinical specimens

A total of 430 strains of glucose-nonfermenting gram-negative bacteria representing 35 species were analyzed for their cellular fatty acid composition by gas-liquid chromatography (GLC). On the basis of qualitative differences in their cellular fatty acid composition, these bacteria could be divided into 19 distinct chromatographic groups. Eight Pseudomonas species, Achromobacter xylosoxidans, group Vd, and Agrobacterium radiobacter were identified from their fatty acid compositions alone. The other glucose-nonfermenting gram-negative bacterial species studied here, classified within nine distinct GLC groups, were easily recognized by using the GLC fatty acid analysis supplemented with a limited number of conventional biochemical tests. The results support the hypothesis that bacterial fatty acid composition is rather specific and that qualitative GLC fatty acid analysis can be adapted in the clinical laboratory either to provide additional criteria for differentiation of closely related groups or to serve as a rapid and highly reproducible method for their routine identification.