Silicon nanowires prepared by laser ablation at high temperature

Silicon nanowires have been synthesized in high yield and high purity by using a high-temperature laser-ablation method with growth rates ranging from 10 to 80 μm/h. Transmission electron microscopic investigation shows that the nanowires are crystalline Si, and have diameters ranging from 3 to 43 nm and length up to a few hundreds microns. Twins and stacking faults have been observed in the Si core of the nanowires. The lattice structure and constant of the nanowires as determined from x-ray diffraction (XRD) are nearly identical to those of bulk Si, although the relative XRD peak intensities are different from those of randomly oriented Si crystallites. Raman scattering from the nanowires shows an asymmetric peak at the same position as that of bulk crystalline silicon.