Lattice vibrations of AgGaS2, AgGaSe2, and CuGaS2

Raman spectra have been observed in AgGaS2, AgGaSe2, and CuGaS2 using argon, krypton, and dye lasers. Of the 13 Raman-active vibrations, we have observed 12 of the modes of AgGaS2, 9 modes of AgGaSe2, and all the modes of CuGaS2. The modes of AgGaS2 which are also infrared active are in good agreement with the modes determined from a Kramers-Kronig analysis of the ir reflectivity. Agreement is also found with several of the transitions previously determined from the ir spectrum of CuGaS2. The intensity of the A1 mode of AgGaS2 and CuGaS2 dominates the other Raman lines when the laser excitation is well below the band gap. A resonant interference effect decreases the intensity of this mode as the band gap is approached.