No evidence was obtained that the salicylate combines with the antibody ablastin in vivo or in vitro. Dialysis indicated no separation of a possible salicylate-ablastin complex. Microbiological assays of sera of infected treated and untreated rats showed no differences in blood levels of pantothenic acid. Values ranged from 88.2 to 92 [mu]g. of pantothenate per 100 ml. serum in one series, and from 132 to 149 in another series of expts. Blood glucose levels were higher (125 mg. glucose per 100 ml. blood) in treated and infected rats than in infected and normal rats (106 mg. glucose). Total protein levels of serum of infected salicylate-treated rats (49.5 g. per 1.) were lower than normal (53.8 g. per 1.), while levels in infected rats (65.4 g. per 1.) were higher than normal. Electrophoretic studies on sera from infected and treated and from normal rats showed that the gamma globulin fraction was 2-3.6 times greater in the infected rats. The expts. suggest that the salicylate prevented the formation of the antire productive antibody ablastin up to the 10th day of infection.