Drop jumping. II. The influence of dropping height on the biomechanics of drop jumping

In the literature, athletes preparing for explosive activities are recommended to include drop jumping in their training programs. For the execution of drop jumps, different techniques and different dropping heights can be used. This study was designed to investigate for the performance of bounce drop jumps the influence of dropping height on the biomechanics of the jumps. Six subjects executed bounce drop jumps from heights of 20 cm (designated here as DJ20), 40 cm (designated here as DJ40), and 60 cm (designated here as DJ60). During jumping, they were filmed, and ground reaction forces were recorded. The results of a biomechanical analysis show no difference between DJ20 and DJ40 in mechanical output about the joints during the push-off phase. Peak values of moment and power output about the ankles during the push-off phase were found to be smaller in DJ60 than in DJ40 (DJ20 = DJ60). The amplitude of joint reaction forces increased with dropping height. During DJ60, the net joint reaction forces showed a sharp peak on the instant that the heels came down on the ground. Based on the results, researchers are advised to limit dropping height to 20 or 40 cm when investigating training effects of the execution of bound drop jumps.