Effect of Aluminium Ions on Liposomal Membranes as Detected by Laurdan Fluorescence

We report here an investigation of the influence of aluminium on iron-induced peroxidation in brain model membranes. Laurdan fluorescence emission spectra and generalised polarisation measurements have been used to investigate how ferrous and aluminium ions can affect the phase components of phospholipid membranes. An increase in the generalised polarisation of oxidised liposomes with respect to controls has been observed, which reveals the presence of a less polar environment surrounding the probe that changes the properties of the bilayer. Aluminium has been shown to facilitate iron-mediated oxidation as detected from emission fluorescence spectra. However, no quantitative influence has been calculated relative to general polarisation and derived phase state determinations. The structural influence of aluminium on membranes may therefore be less significantly marked than initially expected.