Spin-echo measurements on dilute:Au197in iron and nickel

Spin-echo measurements on Au197 were performed on dilute alloys of Au (0.1 and 0.01 at.%) in Fe and Ni at 4.2 and 1.4 K. The magnetic hyperfine splitting frequencies νM=|gμNBhfh| extrapolated to 0 K were determined to be νM(AuFe)=93.207(10) MHz and νM(AuNi)=21.59(3) MHz. For Au(0.1 at.%) Fe, the local-moment-induced electric quadrupole splitting could be resolved. The quadrupole splitting frequency νQ=e2qQh was found to be (-)1.50(5) MHz. With the known quadrupole moment of Au197, Q=+0.547(16) b, the electric field gradient of AuFe is deduced to be (-)0.113(6) × 1017 V/cm2. With the known quadrupole splittings of Au198 and Au199 in Fe taken into account, the spectroscopic quadrupole moments of Au198 and Au199 are deduced to be Q(Au198;2)=0.76(4) b and Q(Au199;32+)=0.55(3) b. The experimental hyperfine anomalies between Au197, Au198, and Au199 in Fe and Ni are discussed in the context of noncontact hyperfine fields.