A Current Appreciation of Sites for Pharmacological Intervention in Allergic Conjunctivitis: Effects of New Topical Ocular Drugs

: Two important realizations about pathophysiological mechanisms involved in allergic conjunctivitis have led to novel drug discovery efforts and new topical ocular medications for prevention and treatment of this prevalent allergic disease. The first of these, interspecies and intraspecies mast cell heterogeneity, was established in the mid‐1980's by investigators working in the field of asthma. It is now appreciated that secretory responses as well as effects of pharmacological agents differ depending upon the mast cell population studied. Two types of human mast cells, the tryptase containing (T) and the tryptase/chymase containing (TC) mast cells, have been characterized in a variety of tissues. Significantly, Irani et al. (1) demonstrated by immunohistochemical staining that the mast cells present in conjunctival tissues from patients with allergic conjunctivitis were 100% TC. Functional responses of human conjunctival mast cells to a variety of secretagogues (2) were consistent with their classification as TC or connective tissue type mast cells. Importantly, the studies by Miller et al. mentioned above allowed the harvesting and preparation of human conjunctival mast cells for use in drug screening studies. Utilization of these cells has led to the identification of Patanol®, the most effective human conjunctival mast cell stabilizer available for topical use in allergic conjunctivitis (3). These same studies demonstrated the lack of mast cell stabilizing activity for cromolyn and nedocromil in these connective tissue type, TC containing, human conjunctival mast cells. Similar lack of effect was noted with these drugs on human skin mast cell degranulation (4). The second important discovery in the area of allergic conjunctivitis has been the demonstration that conjunctival epithelial cells may contribute to the perpetuation of the allergic response. A report from Gamache et al. (5) identified cytokines produced by human conjunctival epithelial cells following treatment with a number of stimuli. Significantly, Sharif et al. (6) subsequently identified functional histamine H1 receptors on these same cell types. Recently, Weimer et al. (7) have shown that exposure of human conjunctival epithelial cells to histamine leads to the production of pro‐inflammatory cytokines IL‐6 and IL‐8. Importantly, treatment of the epithelial cells with drugs that possess histamine H1 antagonist properties prevents cytokine production. It is noteworthy that first generation anti‐histamines antazoline and pheniramine are not potent inhibitors of histamine‐stimulated cytokine synthesis in intact epithelial cells, while newer anti‐histamines Emadine™ and levocabastine are more potent. Surprisingly, Patanol® was more potent as an inhibitor of histamine‐stimulated cytokine production by the epithelial cells than would be predicted from its histamine H1 antagonist affinity. These inhibitory effects on conjunctival epithelial cell production of pro‐inflammatory cytokines may contribute to enhanced clinical activity noted with these recently approved drugs.