Reflex LH Release in Estrous Cats Following Single and Multiple Copulations

The nature of copulation-induced LH release in the domestic cat was assessed by measuring serum LH levels during each of 60 estrous periods studied in 13 animals. LH was measured by radioimmunoassay in serum samples collected at -48, -24, 0, 0.17, 1, 4, 8, and 24 h after copulation or contact with a male. The queens were permitted either 1 copulation (n = 18), 4copulations during a 21-81 min period (n = 23), ad libitum (8-12) copulatory activity for 4 h (n = 13), mounting without intromission (n = 4) or no mounting (n = 2). The subsequent occurrence of reflex ovulation was determined by radioimmunoassay of luteal phase serum progesterone levels. The incidence of ovulation in trials involving zero, single, and multiple copulations was 0%, 50%, and 100%, respectively.