The Callan method for the helium atom has been developed for complicated exciton complexes. This method has been applied to the exciton-ionized-donor complex in CdS. With a mass ratio σ=me*mh*=0.182, where me* and mh* are the electron and hole effective masses, very good agreement with experiment has been obtained for the binding energies of the neutral donor, of the exciton, and of the complex itself. The value 1.7 × 104 for the relative oscillator strength obtained by this method can be compared with the best value 3.6 × 104 calculated by Suffczynsiki using a more complicated wave function. The simplification of this method and the good agreement with experiment for the exciton-ionized-donor complex indicate a substantial advance in the solution of complicated exciton complexes having more than three particles whatever the value of σ.