Chemical components of uterine fluid obtained from proestrus and cstradiol, cstronc and estriol treated ovariectomized rats have been studied. Analyses of fluid from rats with ligated uteri also are presented. Potassium concentrations were ten times greater than plasma values. Activities of β-glucuronidasc and alkaline phosphatase in uterine fluids were greater than those observed in plasma. Acid phosphatase was absent from uterine fluid. Protein components having clectrophoretic mobilities similar to beta, alpha-2, alpha-1 globulins and albumin of plasma have been identified in luminal fluid. Moreover, uterine fluid contains a protein fraction which has a mobility exceeding that of albumin. These qualitative and quantitative differences support the idea that uterine luminal fluid is an ultrafiltrate of plasma supplemented by secretions from the uterus.