Nucleon tensor charges in the SU(2) chiral quark-soliton model

We investigate the singlet gT(0) and isovector gT(3) tensor charges of the nucleon, which are deeply related to the first moment of the leading twist transversity quark distribution h1(x), in the SU(2) chiral quark-soliton model. With rotational O(1Nc) corrections taken into account, we obtain gT(0)=0.69 and gT(3)=1.45 at a low normalization point of several hundreds MeV. Within the same approximation and parameters the model yields gA(0)=0.36, gA(3)=1.21 for axial charges and a correct octet-decuplet mass splitting. We show how the chiral quark-soliton model interpolates between the nonrelativistic quark model and the Skyrme model.