We calculate the frequency-dependent scattering rate M’ ’(ω), which determines the dynamical conductivity of a disordered two-dimensional electron gas. The existence of plasmons in an interacting electron gas gives rise to a strongly frequency-dependent scattering rate. For Alx Ga1xAs/GaAs heterostructures with large spacer width α, we get an analytical result for the scattering rate: M’ ’(ω)=M’ ’(0)[1+A‖ω5Rexp(-Bω2)]. The coefficients A and B depend on the Fermi wave number kF, the effective Bohr radius a*, and α. $M prime prime ( omega )— peaks at ω0=ɛF(5a*)1/2/(kF a*), where ɛF is the Fermi energy. The high-frequency scattering rate is also calculated: M’ ’(ω≫2ɛF)≪M’ ’(0). We predict a maximum linewidth for plasmons with wave number q0=5/(4α). The relevance of our theory to anomalies found in cyclotron-resonance experiments is discussed.