The Role of Process Evaluation in the Training of Facilitators for an Adolescent Health Education Program

This article reports on the process evaluation of the training of facilitators for the Adolescent Social Action Program, a health education program in Albuquerque, New Mexico that trained college students and adult volunteers to work with middle school students. From the process evaluation data collected throughout a four‐year period (1995–1998), data relevant to training are described: facilitator characteristics, facilitator training, curriculum implementation, and use of the program's model designed to promote critical thinking and dialogue. Results indicated that, though most facilitators reported the training was sufficient to enable them to implement the curriculum, they did not completely do so, especially as groups reached their final sessions. Facilitators covered the core curriculum content, but often failed to follow through with the more abstract activities. The need to perform and report the process evaluation in time to provide ample opportunity for trainers and curriculum designers to make appropriate adjustments is discussed.