Application of the Periodic Acid-Schiff Procedure to Tissue Blocks

The periodic acid-Schiff procedure can be used for staining en bloc by incorporating the periodic acid with the fixing fluid. After simultaneous fixation and oxidation for 48 hr at room temperature and subsequent staining in Schiff reagent the tissues are dehydrated, embedded in paraffin and sectioned. Of two fixatives used, 95% alcohol proved superior to 10% formalin. Various concentrations of periodic acid (0.1-2.0%) yielded equally good results, thus the use of the lower concentrations is feasible and preferable. Fixation and oxidation simultaneously or separately yielded equally satisfactory results and in view of the time saved in the simultaneous method the authors recommend it. Using similar time of fixation and oxidation, satisfactory results were obtained with the intestine of rat after 3 hr of exposure to Schiff reagent. A longer period of exposure (up to 48 hr) was needed for comparable results with the kidney and liver.