Low-Lying States inSb122from theSn122(p,n)Reaction

The low-lying level structure of Sb122 is studied through the observation of coincident γ rays following the Sn122(p,n) reaction using two Ge(Li) detectors. Thirteen 1024-channel coincidence γ-ray spectra were obtained simultaneously in a PDP-7 computer by means of a two-parameter program. High-resolution singles spectra taken with a small-volume thin-window Ge(Li) detector (full width at half maximum approximately 0.6 keV at 121 keV) were also helpful in determining a level scheme for Sb122. A (d,p) experiment was also performed in order to gain additional information. The information obtained from the (p,n) reaction was combined with existing Sb121(d,p) and Sb121(n,γ) data in constructing a proposed level scheme for Sb122.