Possible Evidence of Q2Q¯2 Mesons in γγρ0ρ0 and ρ+ρ Reactions

Recent γγρ+ρ data in the 1.3-2.0-GeV region show a strong suppression as compared to γγρ0ρ0 data in the same region which suggests an interference between an isoscalar and an exotic isotensor structure. Both the ρ0ρ0 and the ρ+ρ data can be accounted for quantitatively in terms of the unique flavor and color-spin structures of the I=0 and I=2 Q2Q¯2 states. The possible connection to ρ0ρ0 structure in Jψ radiative decay is suggested. Other 2++ Q2Q¯2 candidates in hadronic collisions are briefly discussed.