Antigen-specific clones of proliferating T lymphocytes. I. Methodology, specificity, and MHC restriction.

In this report we describe in detail a new method for cloning antigen-specific, proliferating T lymphocytes directly from primed murine lymph nodes after 3 days of activation in vitro. After expansion in liquid culture the cells from the colonies were shown to be antigen specific and to require I-A histocompatible, irradiated spleen cells for stimulation. For hapten-carrier-type antigens, the T cells were shown to be carrier specific in their recognition but they were also capable of distinguishing the presence of the hapten. Recloning of small numbers of these cells in soft agar under conditions of high plating efficiency yielded true clones (i.e., populations derived from a single cell) whose antigen specificity was identical to that of cells from the original colony. The fact that a clone of T cells was I-A restricted in its antigen recognition demonstrates that suppressor T cell function cannot account for the phenomenon of major histocompatibility complex restriction.