Neutron inelastic scattering and X-ray structural study of the charge-density-wave state in K0.3MoO3

The Peierls transition in the quasi-one-dimensional conductor K0.3MoO3 has been studied to clarify its dynamical nature and the electron correlation problem. A giant Kohn anomaly and the central peak in S(q, omega ) were observed. The amplitude below the transition temperature Tc was also measured. An asymmetry of the elastic diffuse scattering above Tc around the reciprocal point which corresponds to the superlattice point can be explained by taking into account the structure factor of the charge-density wave. A detailed type of modulation of Mo atoms is presented by the X-ray study. No evidence for the correlation effect was observed and the transition of K0.3MoO3 seems to be explained by a simple band picture.