Hot-electron transport in In0.53Ga0.47As

A Monte Carlo routine has been used to simulate hot‐electron transport across narrow regions of heavily doped In0.53Ga0.47As. The doping level/widths considered correspond to those proposed for the base of hot‐electron transistors. For doping levels of order 1018 cm3, the injected hot electrons suffer inelastic scattering by the coupled plasmon‐optic phonon mode. The performance of hot‐electron transistors is characterized by the base transfer factor which relates a change in collector current with a change in emitter current. The base transfer factor is determined from the simulations for a range of base widths and operating conditions. Results for InGaAs are compared with those for GaAs. Under comparable operating conditions, the InGaAs hot‐electron transistor offers a higher transport efficiency and hence, higher current gain compared with that of GaAs. We have used the Monte Carlo routine to simulate the performance of experimental results from InGaAs hot‐electron transistors. The simulations are in good agreement with the experimental results.