The research presented here combines mathematical modeling and computer simulation in developing a new model of the membrane polarization induced in the myocardium by the applied electric field. Employing this new model termed the "period" bidomain model, the steady-state distribution of the transmembrane potential is calculated on a slice of cardiac tissue composed of abutting myocytes and subjected to two point-source extracellular current stimuli. The goal of this study is to examine the relative contribution of cellular discreteness and macroscopic syncytial tissue behavior in the mechanism by which the applied electric field alters the transmembrane potential in cardiac muscle. The results showed the existence of oscillatory changes in the transmembrane potential at cell ends owing to the local resistive inhomogeneities (gap-junctions). This low-magnitude sawtooth component in the transmembrane potential is superimposed over large-scale transmembrane potential excursions associated with the syncytial (collective) fiber behavior. The character of the cardiac response to stimulation is determined primarily by the large-scale syncytial tissue behavior. The sawtooth contributes to the overall tissue response only in regions where the large-scale transmembrane potential component is small.