Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy: a prospective analysis of hospital support required and complications following discharge to the community

Introduction: Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) is the commonest method of long-term enteral nutrition. In the UK there is no nationally funded framework to provide community support for patients with gastrostomies. Objectives: To assess the hospital support required and the complications occurring in a cohort of patients discharged into the community with a gastrostomy in-situ. Design and setting: We prospectively collected data between June and November 1998 regarding patients (n=87) with PEG complications in the community following discharge from two adjacent hospitals in South Yorkshire (Rotherham District General Hospital and the Royal Hallamshire Hospital). Results: The mortality within this cohort during the study period was 17.2%. Of these 15 patients 10.3% (n=9) were thought to have died as a result of the progression of their disease, whilst in the other 6.9% (n=6) pneumonia was documented as the cause of death. Problems with gastrostomies requiring telephone advice occurred in 24.1% of patients and 65.5% necessitated a home visit. However during this period of 6 months, 23% of patients were admitted as an emergency, accounting for 61 in-patient days. All were from nursing or residential homes and the emergency occurred after normal surgery hours. General practitioners dealt with aspiration pneumonia in 25.2% of the cohort but other tube problems were referred to the endoscopy unit. Discussion: This is the first study to specifically highlight the specialist intervention and support required by patients discharged into the community with PEGs, a group for whom there is often no formal aftercare. A specialist nurse or dietician could establish a liaison service focusing on primary care and using hospital resources when appropriate. This study provides further evidence to support the recommendations for tube feeding made by the British Association for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2001) 55, 610–614