Prevalence of the fragile X syndrome in four birth cohorts of children of school age

The prevalence of the fragile X syndrome among 12,882 children (6594 boys and 6288 girls) born during the years 1969–1972 in Kuopio province in eastern central Finland has been studied retrospectively. Mentally retarded children were selected from normal schools by using school achievement tests and from registers of mentally retarded individuals. In the present study fragile X syndrome was found in 6/111 mentally retarded children (5.4%), in 4/61 boys and in 2/50 girls, respectively. It was not detected in the control group of 85 healthy children. The corrected prevalence of fragile X syndrome among boys in four successive birth cohorts was estimated to the 1 in 1210 or 0.8/1000, and that among girls, 1 in 2418 or 0.4/1000. The overall prevalence was calculated to be 1 in 1612 or 0.6/1000 children.