Relationships of Proshigella to Other Members of the Enterobacteriaceae

Summary and Conclusions: Five strains of Proshigella dispar, one Proshigella sonnei, two Shigella paradysenteriae, and four anaerogenic coliform strains, moderately heterogeneous in their biochemical reactions, could be arranged in an antigenic sequence showing numerous interrelationships. The anaerogenic coliform strains appeared to be intermediate links in the series. It is suggested that these organisms be considered members of the genus Proshigella. Cultures of Paracolobactrum coliforme are described which bear a close serological relationship to Prosh. dispar I. Variation induced in one strain of Para. coliforme and in two strains of Prosh. dispar I yielded forms which had acquired motility and varying ability to produce acid and gas from carbohydrates. Accompanying these changes, the antigenic structure of the organisms was altered by acquisition of common flagellar antigens and by loss and gain of somatic antigens. These changes in one case converted a Prosh. dispar I into a Para. coliforme. The types and subtypes of Prosh. dispar and the anaerogenic coliforms studied do not at present seem sufficiently distinct to warrant species designation. They appear to be steps in an evolutionary series.