Magnetism in orbitally unquenched chainar compounds. II. The ferromagnetic case: RbFeCl3

Measurements of quadrupole splitting by the Mössbauer effect and of single-crystal magnetic susceptibility are reported for the ferromagnetic chainar crystal RbFeCl3. By use of crystal-field theory and the correlated-effective-field statistical approximation these results are analyzed in terms of a model with only three adjustable parameters, a spin-orbit coupling constant, a trigonal crystal-field parameter, and an intrachain Heisenberg exchange J between real spins. A quantitative analysis paralleling that used in a previous paper for isomorphic RbFeBr3 is less successful in the present case, discrepancies arising at low temperatures which are at least partly due to small interchain exchange. The latter, which for RbFeCl3 perturbs a quasiferro magnetic system in an antiferro magnetic fashion, produces qualitative effects on magnetic response at sufficiently low temperatures. In addition, we suggest possible evidence for the importance of a non-Heisenberg contribution to exchange, the form and origin of which are discussed.