New data on theKK¯threshold region and the nature of thef0(S*)

We combine new data on f0(S*) production in Jψ and Ds decays with earlier information on central production and elastic ππ, KK¯ processes to make a fresh examination of the f0(S*) resonance. The key feature of our amplitude analysis is its strict enforcement of unitarity. This allows the good energy resolution of the new Jψφππ(KK¯) data to play its full role in delineating the f0(S*) resonance structure that experiment demands. This enables us to distinguish alternative resonance mechanisms that have been proposed: we conclude that f0(S*) is most probably not a KK¯ molecule, nor an amalgam of two resonances, but a conventional Breit-Wigner-like structure. In this preferred description, the f0(S*) has rather a narrow width (Γ052 MeV) and comparable couplings to ππ and KK¯. Possible spectroscopic interpretations are considered.

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