Path Distribution for Irreversible Processes

An expression is derived which gives the probability of any specified response of a driven linear dissipative system. The probability that a system driven by a force Vi(t) will follow an irreversible path taking it through the neighborhood of Q̃k at time t is P(Q̃k, t)=P0(Q̃k)expβtdtVi(t)ddtQ̃i(tt)Q̃k(0), where P0(Q̃k) is the equilibrium distribution function, and the last factor is the mean value in the equilibrium ensemble of dQ̃idt at time tt, conditional on Q̃k at time zero. The path distribution function above is the classical (0) approximation to the quantum-mechanical distribution, in which β1kT is replaced by a somewhat more complicated form. The mean square path deviation is found.