M4,5N4,5N4,5Auger-electron spectrum of free Pd atoms

The M4,5N4,5N4,5 Auger-electron spectrum of free palladium atoms has been measured by means of a new high-temperature spectrometer using electron-beam excitation. The experimental spectrum has been compared with the theoretical profile calculated in a nonrelativistic mixed-coupling scheme applying jj coupling to the initial state and intermediate coupling to the final one. The energies have also been compared with the theoretical results obtained from relativistic intermediate-coupling calculations. Apart from the Auger energies, the free-atom 3d binding energies EB(3d52)=341.13(15) eV and EB(3d32)=346.45(15) eV have also been determined with the aid of optically known two-hole final-state energies. Comparisons with the solid-state photoelectron and Auger-electron measurements give free-atom-metal shifts of 1.3 eV for the 3d binding energies and 11.3 eV for the M4,5N4,5N4,5(G41) Auger energies, also referring the solid-state energies to the vacuum level.