The carbohydrates of Agave vera cruz Mill. 2. Distribution in the stem and pole

The make-up of carbohydrates of the stem and pole of Agave veracruz has been determined quantitatively with the aid of paper chromatography. As previously reported, fructosans form the major fraction and are most highly concentrated in the stem. The base of the pole has a carbohydrate makeup exactly analogous to that of its lower contiguous section, the stem. Moving upwards along the pole, the picture changes sequentially; first fructosans disappear, then their intermediates, leaving only fructose, glucose, and sucrose. On the other hand, in the topmost section of the pole, the seat of flower-head and bulbel formation, the fructosans and their intermediates reappear; the entire picture is in fact similar to that of the carbohydrates in the stem.

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