A novel centromeric repetitive DNA from human chromosome 22

A recombinant DNA clone localized in the centromeric region of chromosome 22 was isolated from a flow-sorted human chromosome 22 DNA library. When the original insert of about 1.9 kb was used to probe Southern blots of EcoRI-digested genomic DNA it revealed at least 40 fragments. A comparable pattern was obtained with each of the three subclones (800, 700, and 380 bp). In situ hybridization showed signals clustered in the region 22cen. DNA sequence analysis using the 380 bp fragment subcloned in pTZ18/19 (p22hom48.4) revealed eight copies of a 48 bp repeat and the size of hybridizing restriction fragments indicated that this tandemly repeated sequence is spread over a region of a few hundred kilobases. Whereas this novel DNA, termed D22Z3, displayed no sequence homology to rodent and monkey genomes cross-homology was discernible for DNA from two great ape species.