Contraction of Plasma in a Linear Z-Pinch Tube

The contraction behaviors of Plasma in a linear z-pinch tube have been observed with a streak camera and a spectrograph for initial gas pressure ranging from 0.5 to 20 torr for He and from 0.1 to 20 Torr for Ar. Furthermore, the time of initial contraction has been determined by measuring discharge current and photoelectric signal of continuum emission from the contracted plasma. The relation between the contraction time τ and the initial gas pressure P 0 can be represented by τ∝P 0 n with different n values in three pressure ranges. From the correspondence of the observed contraction behaviors and the contraction time in these three pressure ranges it is shown that the contraction mechanism can be described by Rosenbluth's snow plow model in the lowest pressure range and by Allen-Jukes' shock wave model in the intermediate pressure range.