The rheological behavior of unflavored, whole soybean milk was evaluated. The standard University of Illinois beverage was adequately described by the general power law equation. The soy milk displayed pseudoplastic flow behavior and was mildly thixotropic. The consistency coefficient of the soy beverage decreased with increasing temperature but the flow behavior index was unaltered at higher temperatures. At higher solids levels the apparent viscosity and degree of pseudoplasticity of the beverage increased. Inclusion of soybean hulls in the beverage caused higher apparent viscosity than observed in beverages made from dehulled cotyledons. The doubly homogenized beverage had lower apparent viscosity and greater adherence to Newtonian behavior than the singly homogenized beverage. Beverages prepared from cotyledons blanched in 0.25% NaHCO3 had higher apparent viscosities and were more pseudoplastic than beverages prepared from cotyledons blanched in an acid solution or in tap water.