The biosynthetic preparation of [16-3H]aldosterone and [16-3H]corticosterone

(16-H3) Progesterone (6.35 [mu]c/[mu]g), prepared by the method of Pearlman, W. H. (1957a). (Biochem. Jour. 66, 17), was incubated with capsule strippings of ox adrenal gland. Crystalline (16-H3)-corticosterone, (16-H3)aldosterone and (16-H3)cortisol were prepared from an extract of the incubation. The specific activities were 2.62, 1.82 and 0.76 [mu]c/[mu]g respectively. The radiochemical purity of these steroids was established by various criteria. Methods of assaying tritiated steroids by a flow counter and by means of bremsstrahlung emission are described. The stability of the (16-H3)progesterone has been examined and the purity found to be satisfactory after 3 months, storage.