Respiration-Based Measurement of Lung Deposition of a Fluorescent Dextrane Aerosol in a Marmoset Monkey

A technique for measurement of respiration-based lung deposition of an aerosol was investigated and subsequently applied in a pilot study with a marmoset monkey. The technique consisted of an aerosol exposure system for a marmoset using a face mask and a previously constructed monkey chair, a method for recovery of fluorescent dextrane from lung material, and respiration measurement of the marmoset by whole-body plethysmography. In the pilot study, a ketamine-anesthetized marmoset was exposed for 20 min to an FITC–dextrane aerosol atmosphere (200 μg/L air, particle size 1.5 μm mass median aerodynamic diameter [MMAD]). It was found that 3.4% of the inhaled aerosol was deposited in the lungs; the aerosol was distributed over the lung lobes with an higher concentration at the distal side.